The Seventh
Annual Southeastern Small College Student Research Contest will be held in 2006. It promises to be
larger and more interesting than ever. See the details below, and please feel free to contact
Student Research Contest Chair Anil Shende (
with any questions.
- Students who are undergraduates, or were
undergraduates in the spring immediately preceding the conference are eligible to
- Submissions are to be in the form of 1-2 page extended abstracts, not full
papers. (However, students are invited to submit full papers through the regular submission process.)
- A member of the faculty
from the student's institution must be listed as a reference with every submission.
- Co-
authorship is permitted, however a maximum of one entry per student is allowed.
- A faculty
member may not be listed as co-author.
- There is no charge to enter. However, authors of
accepted submissions must register for the conference at the
student rate.
- Send a 1-2 page extended abstract (not a full
paper) to: