Web Contest Rules
- Students must be enrolled as a full time undergraduate at a college or university during the fall semester of the year that the site is submitted. Proof of such status may be requested.
- A web site for which the developer(s) was paid is not eligible for the contest.
- A web site may include components developed prior to the developer's entry into college. However, the majority of the work represented in a web site should have occurred during the contestant's collegiate tenure. The parts of the web site developed prior to the contestant's entry into college should be clearly marked in the source code files for the web site.
- During the judging period, no changes to the web site will be permitted. It is recognized that in the case of dynamically generated pages the displayed content may change. This is acceptable. However, no changes to page layout, application architecture, or server side code are allowed during the judging period. (Note that in most cases it is expected that the submitted sites will be hosted at the conference web site and thus cannot be edited after the submission deadline.)
- A developer may only enter one web site (i.e., participate on one team).
- Web sites that received a placement during any previous contest, ours or other CCSC regions, are not eligible for this year's contest. However, winning contestants may enter different sites in subsequent years.
- Any development tool(s) may be used, and any web-related technology may be employed, provided the site meets the criteria stated above.