Consortium for Computing in Small Colleges

Home > Conference > Contests > Web Contest

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Web Contest
CCSC:SE Web Contest


  • This form must be used to register an entry.
  • The registration deadline is midnight on September 21, 2005.
  • Please submit a separate form for each team you wish to register. Identify the different teams as #1 and #2.
  • The team sponsor must be registered for the CCSC:Southeastern Conference. (Students may also register at a reduced rate, but it is not required unless they are the representative of a winning team.)
  • Your registration will be complete upon receipt of this form by Becky Tallon, Web Contest Director. and receipt of the registration fee by Dr. Dee Medley, CCSC:SE Treasurer. The fee is $20 per entry.
  • Before submitting this form, please be sure to read all additional contest information thoroughly.
  • Your electronic registration will be confirmed by return e-mail. If you do not receive this confirmation within 24 hours, please contact Becky Tallon to make sure that you are registered.

School Name:

Developer #1:
Developer #2:
Developer #3:

A faculty member must sponsor each developer.

Faculty Sponsor:
Work Address:
City, State, Zip:

I certify that the above named student is currently enrolled at this school, and are thereby eligible to participate.

