Consortium for Computing in Small Colleges

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Nifty Assignments

39th Annual Programming Contest
Advanced Registration

   The registration cost per team is $35 plus $20 per team member. . (In addition, the team sponsor is required to register as a regular attendee for the Southeastern conference.) The contest registration deadline is 11:59pm on October 17.

   Team sponsors must submit payment for their teams online using the CCSC:SE 2025 conference registration tool. If at all possible, sponsors should register themselves for the conference and their team(s) for the contest at the same time.

    Contest registration consists of (1) online fee payment as noted above, and (2) submitting team information using the online registration form.

    The contest registration fee also entitles the entire team (excluding the sponsor) to attend all conference sessions, exhibits and keynotes. Please note, however, that this fee does not entitle the team members to participate in the student research contest. There are separate fees for these events. Click the "Contests" link at the top of the page for more details.

Team Information

   The first team from the first 25 schools to register will receive a spot in the contest. A second team may register on a space available basis. No more than two teams from one school may register. Each team must consist of at least two members and no more than four.
