
• Be sure to plan a vegetarian option with each meal. Be sure to add a warning that late registrants may not be able to request the vegan selections.
• If you can manage the logistics, buffets work nicely since people can adapt to their dietary needs. This can also reduce the cost of the meal since a smaller support staff is needed.
• While the pizza party was originally designated for students in the programming contest, this has extended in the past with the research participants. This really didn’t increase the numbers very much since there was a considerable overlap among these groups. Consider setting up your budget to include these groups. Otherwise, research students are left on their own for dinner on Friday, a problem for folks traveling in groups.
• Also, don’t forget the trashcans when setting up for breaks, the pizza party, and the programming contest buffet.
•Water for speakers, etc. is very desirable but can be quite expensive if you have food services handle it. A better solution is to pick up a few cases of bottled water and have these available.

Deadline: 7 days before the conference.
Suggested starting date: 180 days before the conference.


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