Banners & Posters

Two large, weather resistant banners travel with the conference. These should be displayed on the days of the conference to welcome folks and let them know they are in the right place. These can be displayed on the campus lawn, on the appropriate building(s), or in an entrance way into a building(s). The banners have large grommets for mounting, but you will need to supply anything else used to mount them, e.g., posts for mounting them on the lawn, etc. Beware! There may be a small amount of mildew on these if they were put away in damp condition. This is something you might want to check.
It is probably easier if these are taken down at the end of the conference and given to the chair of the next year’s conference before he or she leaves. Alternately, these could be shipped to next year’s chair after the conference. The banners are packed together in a large mailing tube.
Additionally you should have signs for the entrance into campus, parking, and session buildings if possible. Prepare signs to be placed outside each door as to the sessions that will be in that room.

Deadline: 1 days before the conference.
Suggested starting date: 180 days before the conference.


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