
You’ll probably want two sets of generic packets, one for full registrants and one for student registrants since student registrants don’t (normally) get proceedings. (If a student registrant is presenting a juried paper, they should receive a copy of the proceedings.) Using different color envelopes (e.g., white and manila) to color code the packets works nicely.

Ask local convention and visitors bureau for packet materials with local information.

Packet Checklist

Proceedings (only in the full registrant packet)

Deadline: 7 days before the conference.
Suggested starting date: 90 days before the conference.


 kkennemore posted at 04:02:28 PM on November 14th, 2014
We recommend contacting your bookstore to see if they would offer the attendee\'s a discount coupon to include in the packets. Amount of discount is up to the campus bookstore. - KK 11/14/14